Who cries fucks who smiles
Publications (in italian language)
For the Magazine: "Azienditalia" - publisher Ipsoa Wolters Kluwer Italy LTD
- "The municipal Collaborations".
- "Iva: Interventions of recovery and Works of urbanization".
- "E-Commerce and VAT Taxability".
- "The Contribution of Commons in favor of institutions and enterprises."
- "The Tax in Acts public".
- "Sales of goods in Scope Commercial".
- "Telematics Contracts: some tax issues."
- "Activities Sponsorship: the income."
- "The publishing activities in the Local Administation: Reflections Tax".
- "Tax and Accounting Documents in electronic format."
- "The effects of the legislation on copyright for local authorities."
- "Reimbursement of expenses to natural person: an overview of the tax treatment."
- "The Completion courses in local government."
- "Professional appointments: distinguishing criteria of the employment relationship."
For the Magazine: "Diritto e Diritti" - Electronics Law Review - published at https://www.diritto.it, ISSN 1127-8579 :
- "The Taxation of individual person Non-Residents". link: www.diritto.it/la-tassazione-delle-persone-fisiche-non-residenti/
- "The Management of the Own Time to Work". link: https://www.diritto.it/docs/33052-la-gestione-del-proprio-tempo-di-lavoro
- "Reasons and Organizational Wellness Indicators". link: https://www.diritto.it/docs/33158-motivazioni-ed-indicatori-di-benessere-organizzativo
- "A Strategic Management Model for Workers". link: www.diritto.it/un-modello-di-gestione-strategica-per-il-personale/
- "Rating and Analysis of Financial Statements". link: https://www.diritto.it/docs/34777-rating-ed-analisi-di-bilancio