Who cries fucks who smiles
Farfalle Zucchine e Limone - Butterflies pasta with zucchini and lemon
Lavare e far cuocere le zucchine con prezzemolo ed aglio e olio di semi. Fare cuocere la pasta in acqua bollente salata e scolarla in una terrina. Condire la pasta con olio extravergine di oliva e poi unire il succo di limone, la scorza grattugiata, il prezzemolo tritato, pepe ed il basilico sminuzzato. Mescolare bene e servire immediatamente. |
Wash and cook the zucchini with parsley and garlic and oil. Cook the pasta in boiling salted water and drain it into a bowl. Season the pasta with extra-virgin olive oil and then add the lemon juice, the grated rind,
the minced parsley, pepper and the minced basil. Mix well and serve immediately. |
ha terminato di produrre zucchine e zucche.) |
Clean the leaves and stems, and remove the filaments from the zucchini plant, then cut them into small pieces. Remove the petiole from the zucchini flowers and wash everything quickly in cold running water.
Clean the potatoes, peel and cut into large enough nuts. Wash and check the courgettes, divide them in half and cut them into pieces. Clean the pumpkin flowers and remove the stem and the internal pistil.
Peel the onion and cut it into slices. Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the onion, potatoes and zucchini.
Cover with about 1/2 liter of hot water and cook for about 20-25 minutes over medium heat. At about 5 minutes from the end of cooking add the pumpkin flowers. Season with oregano and season with salt and pepper. Serve the summer soup with potatoes, zucchini and zucchini flowers.
(You are wondering: what are the tallies? The tallies are the part of the plant of the pumpkin and the zucchini that remains after it has finished producing zucchini and pumpkins.) |